Week 2

     During week 2, our group was working on more designs for a biodiesel purification system. However, we quickly came into a problem as we realized that our design did not actually address any one problem. Our design was more or less a random purification system we just came up with on the spot; it wasn't inherently different from anyone else's biodiesel filtration system.
     As of now we are basically starting over. We are now thinking of a problem to address so that our project will have a purpose. Although this seems like a step back we are lucky that this problem was brought to our attention relatively early so we can recover.
     Moving forward, we will be choosing one problem to address, such as making a purification that is very cheap, or one that is very fast. We will be preforming research on purification methods so we can figure out which problem we want to focus on, and so we'll have ideas on how to start to address the problem