Photo Gallery

Air washing the biodiesel to remove methanol

Weighing the biodiesel to see how much methanol was removed

The three samples of biofuel
A close up view of the crude, air washed biodiesel
The first sample being washed with Magnesol
The same sample after mixing

The pH test of the tap water revealing a pH of about 6.5
The water wash sample, and tap water being heated  to 60 degrees Celsius

Water being added to the water-Magnesol wash (not the same sample as the one shown above)

The water-Magnesol wash being mixed
The water-Magnesol wash after being mixed with visible Magnesol on the bottom of the beaker

The water wash, after the first wash was centrifuged out, ready for its second wash

A closer look at the water wash, after one wash

The Magnesol sample after its first wash

The weighed out Magnesol, ready to add (about 0.82g)
The water wash and Magnesol wash right after mixing

Preparing to centrifuge the two samples

A test tube ready for the centrifuge
The water-Magnesol sample after it's second wash, more visible Magnesol on the bottom
The water wash, ready for its third and final wash

Water wash being mixed for the last time